Online Store - Now Up!

Hey there everyone, how's it going? I got some good news!

I finally have an online store, ready to sell my work to you!


You'll notice that there's a new page up the top of the site called "Downloads". That takes you to where you can download my eBook "Kampai, Nippon", free of charge. 

The "Store" page takes you to my online store on Etsy. While this isn't ideal for me right now, there is a reason for this. 

Selling this work is technically considered a hobby, so I don't need an ABN right now, and this was needed to set up a proper store on this site. In time I imagine this will change. But for right now, Etsy will be the place I'll be selling my work.

So what is on the store?

Right now, I have six prints available to buy. All of them sell in two sizes, 5x7 and 8x12 and should take about 1-2 weeks to arrive. I ship anywhere too so it doesn't matter if you're down the road, or the South Pole, I can ship there. Here are the prints.

If you have any questions, or you'd like to enquire about other prints, sizes, or something else, please don't hesitate to contact me. Hope to see you soon.

