
Updates and Thoughts

Hello everyone, it's been a while.

This blog post is focusing on two different things. 

1. What's been happening since my last post.

2. Some thoughts about my work, approach to it all and what's next.

So since the last time I posted any sort of update, back in September, a fair bit has happened. I've slowly been working on my photography ventures, whether it's been the online store, or personal projects. Some of it is slow going, some of it is making steady progress.

In terms of things that tie into photography, travel and new adventures, there's been a few things of note.

In November, along with a few people I love, climbed Mt Kosciuzsko.  We started our walk at Charlotte's Pass, crossing over the Snowy River and up to the peak. The mountain and it's surrounds were covered in snow and it was a beautiful sight to behold. Reaching the peak of the mountain felt like a true accomplishment. Looking out over the highest point in Australia, I was overcome with emotion, feeling like it was culmination of a lot of things happening in my life at the time.

Other hikes came in the form of a few trips in the Royal National Park. One of those trips created a few photos that seemed to really resonate with a fair few people, and now those are up on my store.

I also turned 28 so that was pretty decent.

That leads to my most recent adventure. For a fourth time, I visited Japan. I'm sure if you know me you are probably sick of hearing of me talk about Japan, but for those unfamiliar, I love the place. I love the food, the culture, the atmosphere and how vibrant and unique it all is. From one street to the next it's anyone's guess what you'll see. 

I stayed in the country for 10 days, going from Kyoto, to Tokyo. I visited the surrounds, trying to explore parts I hadn't previously visited. It was great as usual, but it helped me in a lot of ways. I'd felt for a while that my work was unfocused, that I had no real projects or goals to hit. I made sure while I was over there, I got it all out and focused on a few targets. I won't go into detail, but I made sure to hit them all. I feel like by the end of the trip I'd grown personally and professionally. It was becoming clear what I wanted out of this craft.

I have been updating my Instagram page with some photos of my trips and hikes, so make sure to check it out and give me a follow if you haven't already.

So that's it for what's been happening. The only thing left is to tackle is some thoughts and feelings about photography. Let's start with some gripes, and end on the positives. 

I do not enjoy being as overly self critical about my work as I am. I understand it's a problem that plagues every person who does any sort of self expression or artistic endeavour, but it doesn't make it any easier. The amount of times where I'll look at something I've done and just trash it numbers in the thousands at this point. Lately, I've tried to be less harsh in that respect but it can seep up from the cracks from time to time. 

My online store, in all honesty, needs some work. And I will be working on improving it. I have a few new prints to go up soon that I believe are better representations of where I am and what I think people will be happy to see. 

I find the art of self promotion hard. Too little and it's hard to be seen in a sea of people. Too much and no one wants to see you in that sea. It's tricky, but I feel like I'm slowly figuring it out. 

One negative that became a positive over the past few months directly relates to a new mind set and view I've gained. For the longest time, I would take photos and my first thoughts would usually be, "Will people like it?". I would never think about whether it was actually a well constructed, interesting or even good photo.

This happened for years, and it wasn't until the past few months that I've slowly come around to a new and better way of thinking. One that has I believe, drastically improved my flow and the content of my work. What I've realised is I need to take photos that I like, that I want to take.

It may seem weird and obvious that that is the answer, but I always want to make work that resonates and appeals to people. I believe that my work from my realisation onwards strikes more of an emotion and thought than before. 

I am happy with my work than ever before, and I hope you see that.

28, Still Alive, But Very Happy.

28, Still Alive, But Very Happy.
